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[DSP programDSP-Matlab

Description: DSP课程的Matlab程序-DSP courses Matlab procedures
Platform: | Size: 107520 | Author: | Hits:


Description: 风力发电系统中的风速仿真模型,MATLAB/S函数构造-wind power system simulation model of the wind, MATLAB/S structure function
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 王强 | Hits:

[Mathimatics-Numerical algorithmsSOR-Matlab

Description: 数值计算中SOR迭代法的Matlab程序-numerical calculation SOR iteration of the Matlab program
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: zhouun | Hits:

[OS programsfunctin

Description: matlab/s函数的应用,有兴趣的读者可以一起交流。-matlab/s function of the application, interested readers can join the exchange.
Platform: | Size: 15360 | Author: shelwin | Hits:


Description: Matlab计算信噪比,单声道,双声道均可,公式准确程序清晰-Matlab calculation of signal to noise ratio, mono, dual-channel may be, the formula clear and accurate procedures
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 沈圆圆 | Hits:


Description: Matlab程序独立打包与混合编程的研究 Matlab程序的独立打包指的是不借用其他语言的混合编 程方法, 而只使用Matlab本身提供的打包工具实现Matlab程序 在未安装Matlab的机器上运行的方法。-Matlab is a good large-scale numerical simulation software.the program run in an explain implementation mode.It has a lot of feature,for example: Real-time debug window ,high-performance computing matrix ,Rich toolbox,etc. These feature make it into a numerical computation and scientific research must-have software.Although the Matlab has many advantages, but it is very difficult to complete the process from the environment to run matlab,the interface also features low efficiency.These shortincomings make us who using it ,begin worry about the results of their own convenience can not be made public easily.This paper makes an analysis on matlab s run mode,then make mixed-language programming methods between Matlab and VC,And how to improve the independence and efficiency of Matlab program.
Platform: | Size: 124928 | Author: zgc | Hits:


Description: 这是matlab中S函数的编写手册,给想用simulink作控制的提供了一个好的载体。-This is a matlab function in S to prepare manuals, to want to use simulink for control provides a good vehicle.
Platform: | Size: 756736 | Author: 张春敏 | Hits:

[SQL Servermatlab-SQL_Server_connection_and_read

Description: matlab--SQL Server连接与读取 包括数据库配置、数据读取等操作-matlab- SQL Server connection and read, including database configuration, data access and other operations
Platform: | Size: 1853440 | Author: godman | Hits:

[Technology Managementmatlab-s-fucntion

Description: MATLAB中关于s函数的资料文件,恒润科技出品,国内唯一指定matlab官方资料出处,值得大家学习s函数参考,不多述,下之-MATLAB s function on the information paper, Hengrun technology produced, the only source of official information specified matlab, worth learning s function reference, not much above, under
Platform: | Size: 804864 | Author: 周玉佳 | Hits:

[Software EngineeringMATLAB

Description: 一、 牛顿-拉夫逊法概要 首先对一般的牛顿-拉夫逊法作一简单说明。已知一个变量X的函数 (4-6) 解此方程式时,由适当的近似值X(0)出发,根据 (4-7) 反复进行计算,当X(n)满足适当的收敛判定条件时就是(4-6)式的根。这样的方法就是所谓的牛顿-拉夫逊法。 式(4-7)就是取第n次近似解X(n)在曲线 上的点 处的切线与X轴的交点作下一次X(n+1)值的方法。参考图4-2(a)。在这一方法中为了能收敛于真解,初值X(0)的选取及函数f(X)必须满足适当的条件,如图4-2(b)所示的那种情况就不能收敛或收敛到别的根上去。 这一方法还可以做下面的解释,设第n次迭代得到的解与真值之差,即 的误差为 时,则 (4-8) 把 在 附近对 用泰勒级数展开 (4-9) 上式略去 以下的项 (4-10) 的误差可近似由上式计算出来 图4-2 (4-11) 比较式(4-7)和(4-11),可以看出牛顿-拉夫逊法的修正量和 的误差的一次项相等。 用同样的方法考虑,给出对n个变量 -:Because of the importance and complexity of power system, better algorithm and programme language is very important . An interior point method based on the perturbed Karush2Kuhn2Tucker (KKT) condition is pre2 sented in this paper , where the method and process for the optimal power flow is treated through the Matlab’s symbolic math toolbox and Mfunction is also presented. Using the symbolic code , it can improve the adaptability of the programme dramatically. The advantage is that , what we need to do is change the model expression. We can make use of the symbolic programme to check our programme while we write the Mfunctions. Using the Mat2 lab , we find the optimal solutions and calculate quickly and efficiently. It has proposed the powerful and unique functions of Matlab in the optimization and calculation for power system. Key words :power system symbolic calculation optimal power flow interior point method
Platform: | Size: 9216 | Author: 范凯 | Hits:


Description: s-交织器,能对序列进行交织,保证交织序列交织分散-s-interleaver, can be interleaved sequence to ensure the cutting sequence spread intertwined
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 刘阔 | Hits:


Description: Matlab S-Function Lecture,very Good!m Code to Simulink module.
Platform: | Size: 756736 | Author: chenhua | Hits:


Description: AES加密算法中的S-盒及其MATLAB实现,S盒实现是MATLAB中的主要过程。-AES encryption algorithm in the realization of S-boxes and MATLAB, S box MATLAB implementation is the main process.
Platform: | Size: 260096 | Author: 王岩 | Hits:


Description: MATLAB的s-function编写指导-MATLAB s-function
Platform: | Size: 1099776 | Author: 孙小雷 | Hits:


Description: 这是一本关于MATLAB-S函数编程指导资料。-This is a MATLAB-S functional programming guidance information.
Platform: | Size: 1040384 | Author: 董振华 | Hits:


Description: matlab的s函数编程教程。来自企业的电子书-matlab s function programming tutorial. From the corporate e-book
Platform: | Size: 1078272 | Author: | Hits:

[Software EngineeringMatlab-S-Funtion

Description: Matlab中S-Funtion编写教程-Matlab, S-Funtion Writing Guide
Platform: | Size: 8192 | Author: 小王 | Hits:


Description: Matlab S-function僅供教育學習用途-Matlab S-function only for Learning and Education
Platform: | Size: 855040 | Author: Honor | Hits:


Description: 本书较为详细全面地介绍了Matlab S函数的基本概念和参数设置方法,并结合几个范例来进一步说明S函数的用法,对于初学者来说是一个不错的参考资料。-This book is more detailed and comprehensive introduction to the basic concepts and methods Matlab S parameter setting function, and combine several examples to further illustrate the use of S functions for beginners is a good reference.
Platform: | Size: 867328 | Author: 乡树 | Hits:


Description: 一本很好的学习Matlab S-Function的教程(A good tutorial on learning Matlab S-Function)
Platform: | Size: 755712 | Author: 猩猩将军 | Hits:
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